Monday, June 22, 2009

Army Wife Rank

Okay, this is the most important subject in this book in my opinion. DO NOT USE YOUR HUSBAND'S RANK FOR GAIN!!! I really can't say that enough. I really hate it when army wives would try to pull this shit on me. If you don't know what a M249 is, or what a "front-lean rest position" is, or even what a DD214 is .... then don't you fucking dare try to pull rank on people. You are an army wife. Not your husband's rank. You are there to help other wife cope and to support your husband. Not rubbing it in other wives faces what rank "you" are or trying to get your way with it. It is childish and absurd.

I'm sorry, did someone tell you that you went to the promotion board too? Wow, yeah, I think that is what you wish would happen. If you don't go to work all day and earn that rank, then you aren't that rank. Plain and simple.Yes, your husband's rank effects things in your life. Like housing, scholarships, and FRG meetings. But, it isn't suppose to be used to put other people down. If your husband's rank is higher than others, you might have a responsibility to uphold. But, it is nothing compared to what you husband has to go through day in and day out. The most you have to do is being polite and hold FRG meetings. That is it! By the way, the FRG is there to SUPPORT spouses. But, I will get into that later in my book.